Phew. I’m EXHAUSTED! In a good I-had-the-best-weekend type of way.
This is what happens when I miss a few weekends at home. Last weekend was the mudder double header and the weekend before we were visiting the grandparents.
This weekend kicked off on Friday night with a special anniversary date night. The Husband and I are celebrating 12 years TODAY! Click here to see a picture I posted a few years ago from our wedding.
I think I may be in a bit of shock that we’ve actually been married that long. On one hand it feels like yesterday and on the other I’m very aware of how much we’ve experienced together these 12 years.
Saturday morning started with laundry sorting.
I love that both kids have completely different styles when it comes to laundry bombing. lol
The Husband had his first tennis match of the season in the morning, so it was just the kids and I, and we had a date with Carrie D for some photos.
But first someone needed a haircut.
Notice the iPad. We make our own little “Cartoon Cuts” set up in the basement.
Buzz, buzz, snip, snip, and voila!
I love little boys and buzz cuts!
We had some breakfast…
and we were off!
It was fun to see Carrie doing what she does.
I have much respect for professional photographers. I haven’t seen all the pics but she gave me a sneak peek on Facebook.
After the shoot we met up with Dad and rushed to The 7-Year-Old’s Lacrosse game.
McDonald’s for lunch.
Hey, it happens. ;)
I was planning on taking yoga in the afternoon but honestly, a nap was much more appealing. So when The Toddler went down The Husband took The 7-Year-Old to play tennis and I took a nap! It was a glorious afternoon.
When I woke up, The Toddler and I hit the grocery store. Yet again I remembered bags AND coupons!
Sponsor Shout-Out: Click here to print out this week’s coupons on Everyday Healthy Values.
I rushed home with the groceries and left the boys with dinner and a mess on my way to meet a friend for a movie.
We had plans to see Warm Bodies. Cute twist on a zombie movie.
This morning started with a run date with Jillian before the boys woke up.
I came home to this.
The Husband does NOT do mornings well. lol
He went back to bed and I started to fold the laundry. There was only one problem. Someone wanted to wrestle.
I love that the 7-Year-Old can now take pictures. :)
We finished the folding — well, I finished it — and turned on the music to clean up. Before I knew it I had a dancing toddler and a ninja in my midst.
Side note: I’ve gotten more than my money’s worth for every Halloween costume I’ve ever bought.
I decided to organize the pantry, which set off a snacking frenzy.
The Husband got up and hit the yard…
…and for some reason I found myself cleaning this.
For lunch I made a fun tuna salad I hope to share on GreenLiteBites tomorrow.
After lunch The 7-Year-Old went to a friend’s and the rest of us chilled for a bit.
Of course I had to put The Husband back to work before too long.
I was planning on grilling dinner but it started to rain and the husband convinced me to go out. Again.
We’ve been eating out way too much, but I must admit, I like the break from the kitchen. Especially lately — I’ve been so busy!
Anyway, we got ready and I decided to start a new tradition of snapping a family photo on our Anniversary for our anniversary book. Something I have been slacking on since having kids.
After dinner it was bed for the kids. I made lunches, straightened up and prepped photos while watching “Game of Thrones.” Now I’m scrambling to finish writing this while watching “Mad Men.” I love Sunday television!
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