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Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Pre-Vacation Wednesday Weigh In

Super quick this morning! I’m on my way out the door. It’ vacation time!

The husband and I are heading to Vermont for a 5-day anniversary getaway. I’m ecstatic! And so is he. We haven’t taken an old-fashioned road trip without kids for years and it’s one of our favorite things to do.

Anyway, I hopped on the scale and wasn’t too surprised by what it showed me.


I’ve been eating out too much, not drinking my water and snacking a little more than normal. It’s all good though. I FEEL fantastic and that has always been my ultimate goal. Not to mention, I had a HUGE NSV (Non-scale victory this week.)

I bought this bathing suit on a whim without trying it on.


I fell in love with it and it was pretty cheap, but I had the kids with me and getting everyone in the dressing room was just not going to happen.

So I tried it on yesterday and I LOVE it!


As someone who agonized over bathing suit purchases since her preteen years, I can’t almost believe this myself and I’m the one who bought the darn thing!

Anyway, I thought I’d share before heading out. The suit is packed and I’m ready to go!

Hope your week went well. Looking forward to your updates!

View the original article here

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