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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Greedy Baby Sings Chobani’s Newest Flavors

chobani Greedy Baby Sings Chobanis Newest Flavors

BOOYAH! Chobani just came out with some new stuff, you guys. Say hello to their yogurt tubes with fun, naturally fruity flavors (nothing like that Trix yogurt bullcrap), and 100 calorie Greek yogurt cups with bitesy-bits, including dark chocolate chips. NOM!

Greedy Baby is a bit of an entertainer. I can’t stop this girl from singing and dancing every…single…day. Entertainment is hardwired into her DNA. She made up a song about Chobani’s new stuff. hehe. Check it out….

I gotta tell ya, the Coffee Greek Yogurt with Dark Chocolate Bits seriously speaks to my grown-folks side, while the yogurt tubes calls out to the childish part of me. Never in a million years would I have thought that coffee yogurt would be tasty, but ohhh my GAWSH, I love it and I’ll be gettin’ me some more. The cups are not as thick in consistency as their regular Greek, but the flavor is all up in da’ house.

So ya. It’s the same great Chobani brand, re-invented with an awesome twist. Look out for their new stuff in the stores. It’s definitely worth a try. Go lurk on Chobani’s product page and scroll down to read more about Bites and Tubes, and eyeball the nutrition labels listed on their website.

Many thanks to Chobani for sending me samples so I could alert you guys to this awesomeness. My next move is to stuff a bunch of tubes and 100 calorie cups into my grocery cart on next shopping trip. BOOM!

View the original article here

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