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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hot 100 Lean Legs Workout

legs1 Hot 100 Lean Legs Workout

This is a time challenge workout consisting of two rounds. 100 total reps in each round. You’ll be working the large muscle groups of the legs, so that’s sure to make you sweat. Heart pumping, fat-shredding will definitely come into play! This challenge does NOT take long from start to finish. You can also opt to break down each move to fit them in throughout the day. Now let’s get moving!

Hot 100 Lean Legs Challenge: FULL WORKOUT

20 reps alternating side to side lunges holding medicine ball20 reps Plie’ squats with front arm raises to lateral (side) arms down20 alternating front kicks20 alternating back kicks20 alternating wide, high knee-ups


1. Side to Side Lunges: Stabilize your core as you lunge while keeping the opposing leg strong & straight. Hold your medicine ball or dumbbell strong & secure at chest level. Bend forward slightly as you lunge and push the booty back, but do not let your knees go over your toes. Push through the heel as you push into opposite side lunge . You will feel this move in your booty and thighs.

2. Plie’ Squats With Arm Raises: Feet at 45-degree angles as you squat to target the inner thighs. Knees do not go past your toes. As you squat up, lift both arms up straight in front of you to overhead. As you squat down, open your arms wide to lower down to your sides.

3 & 4. Front & Back Kicks: Use your core to keep stable as you kick with alternating feet. On front kicks, maintain good posture and don’t lean back. For back kicks, you will be leaning forward. Work to kick your legs back so that legs are as parallel to the floor as possible. Keep your head in line with your neck/spine as you lean forward for your back kicks.

5. Wide, High Knee-Ups: Lift your knees up and wide at a 45-degree angle. Keep your back straight and strong. Arms down by your side to encourage the required stability for this move to come from your core, not from balancing with your arms. This is a simple move, but after doing all of the above, this is a bonus burn!


v Stopwatch setting on your interval timer, or a free stopwatch app on your cell phone or computer.

v 8-lb medicine ball or dumbbell


Protein protein PROTEIN! Fuel your days with lean, protein-rich foods to help your muscles recovery and grow. Make sure you hydrate after the workout and get in a nice stretch.


View the original article here

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