In light of all the Hurricane Sandy devastation Ive bumped today’s MizFit skirt giveaway post to next week. The Tornado & I spent last night chatting about doing unto others & thats 100% where my head is right now.
The Tornado & I frequently talk about giving, volunteering, & the importance of doing unto others.
While I’ve made the conscious choice to say as little as possible (& simply walk the walk) as she gets older she’s more filled with questions and wanting discussions.
I always return my my parents by way of example.
Growing up I watched them work tirelessly to help others. They marched-walked-picketed-protested-donated-volunteered and never merely gave lip-service to a cause they believed in.
Ive shared on all my social media platforms and in real life here more than a few times how much I adore the age of six.
The Tornado grasps more than I even give her credit for & is able to participate in my ‘grown-up’ activities in ways she couldnt even last year.
As a result, we’re taking a little field-trip today after school.
We’re trying something new & something which I plan to make a weekly excursion.
We’re making today’s rent paying service simple, small and yet I hope powerful.
We are bringing some money to the Dollar Store, purchasing all the socks, sunscreen, bandaids, Neosporin, & anti-bacterial gel we can afford and compiling ziplock bags with one of each inside.
That way the next time we see someone at the side of the road who sparks a “S/he’s hungry Mama. That’s so so sad” we have a bag* assembled and ready.
Last night when she & I planned this she asked if we could bring our “socks and stuff” to people today.
So, if all transpires as planned, she & I will take a little trip around Austin after we create our bags and before we trick or treat.
We’re making time on this day of ringing doorbells & demanding treats to do unto others.
And yeah, I wanna drag you all into the proverbial fray.
(if youre feeling too frazzled this week please to note a new University of Pennsylvania study showed performing altruistic acts boots ones sense of efficiency and makes it feel as though hours have been added to the day.)
What small but powerful act might you do this week which would make someone elses life a bit easier? Bag #1A friend who volunteers in a TX homeless shelter said these are items residents repeatedly mention they need. Calling your local shelter may generate a different list.
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