What da-hell is going on? My breasts seem more pancake-ier than usual.
I suppose it’s due to me being on a faster track to weight loss. Been in super-fitness-beastmode and super-clean-eating for a few weeks now. Fat loss has definitely pancaked my breasts extra-more.
I did not appreciate my breasts when they were perky. I never acknowledged their lifted appearance while in the prime of my young adulthood.
And now it’s too late. My 40th birthday is just 4-months away. My breasts have embraced the law of gravity way too freaking much.
So now what?
I’m on my way to mummified boobs….
The state of mummification is just around the corner. It’ll prob’ly happen to me next week or somethin’.
Do not let any perky-breasted pics of me cause you much confusion. That’s just smoke & mirrors, ya’ll. Thank God for padded sports bras.
Now excuse me while I retire to my napping chamber. Gonna lay flat on my stomachs while I snooze. Because pancake-breasted women can do that.
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