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Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Very Detailed and Shocking Wednesday Weigh In

That’s what the scale read this morning. Down 2.2 on my scale from last week.

However, yesterday I had my Body Composition analyzed at the gym. Once a quarter they offer a Bod Pod test. This is the first time I’ve done it. In a nutshell it told me I was fat.


Here’s the details:

%Fat: 31.7%%Fat Free Mass: 68.3%Fat Mass: 48.768 lbsFat Free Mass: 105.080 lbsBody Mass: 153.848Body Fat Rating: Excess Fat 30.1-40%

Honestly, I’m speechless. I mean I know I’m not skin and bones but still, I expected to be in the "Moderately Lean" category. I also expected this not to bother me, but it did. I swear I went through the 5 stages of grief.

Denial — At first I thought it must be a mistake. There’s no way I have over 30% Body fat. I workout. I run. I lift weights. I workout 6 days a week for pete’s sake! Anger — F* you Bod Pod. F* YOU! Bargaining —I’ll skip all carbs for a few days. Maybe that will help? I know, I won’t eat after 7. I’ll give up ice cream. I’ll up my workouts. I just need to____.Depression — Why bother. It’s useless. Why do I keep trying? What’s the point? Acceptance — Whatever! It’s a feakin’ number. Like the scale. Like my size. It is what it is. I’m healthy. I’m strong. I’m happy. I just have to keep doing what I’m doing!

In all seriousness, the number stung. It really did. I know my diet isn’t perfect and frankly, I don’t want it to be. I can’t imagine not sharing ice cream with my boys or making smores after a BBQ or getting popcorn at the movies. I know if I cut these types of things out of my diet completely I could lower the number on the scale and my overall fat percentage, but I’m not willing to give them up right now.

I’ll say what I said to myself when I started this journey 7 years ago… If I’m going to lose weight I need to do it on MY terms. I’m living the lifestyle I want and that is WAY more than half the battle.

View the original article here

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