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Thursday, May 3, 2012

It’s BADMINTON time, Baby!

I yammered lovingly on Monday about how I adore our morning routine.

Active play is a huge part of what I love about our trio & since we’re all morning people we tend to git our PLAYouts on before school rather than after.

Additionally, asolutely nothing sets me up for a better day than belly-laughing at how flipping uncoordinated I am some movement as a family.Some of our PLAYouts are sweaty-active like the SKIP IT.

Others are more, uh, games of strategy (oooh brain fitness) like the below:

(disclaimer: yes I am wielding a marshmallow gun.  in this highly organic morning PLAYout one of us shoots said ‘mallow gun in the air whilst the other 2 run around & attempt to catch plummeting ‘mallow with mouth.  I am nothing if not a healthy living role model.)

Yesterday morning’s PLAYout was, to my tremendous surprise, the mac daddy of them all (to completely misuse a dated phrase): BADMINTON.

We grabbed the rackets & birdie pretty much ONLY because they were blocking the back door on a whim & yet quickly discovered how, for us, badminton is PLAYout  perfection.

Allow me to share why:

There are rules, but we dont need no stinkin’ rules.  As a family we like to stick to athletic endeavors where there are very few rules and regulations. We’ve learned through trial & error this works best for us.  We have more fun.  We waste LESS TIME debating proper protocol.  We get RIGHT TO THE PLAYout & squeeze in more activity.  Sure there exist hard & fast badminton rules but, really, who knows them offhand? We just hit the birdie back and forth.  No out of bounds, or point system, or (if youre us) net.Anywhere works.  We are rebels.  We play STREET ‘MINTON (we neither endorse nor advocate this).  The older two of our “we” recall playing lots of badminton at cookouts with and without nets.  Pretty much anywhere from an empty parking lot, gymnasium or playground to a fancy grassy court will do!It’s working out without noticing you’re exercising.  Hence the fact the three of us deemed it PLAYout perfection.  You squat, you lunge, you run, you work on hand/eye coordination, you focus on balance, you tax your core as you LAUGH & attempt to keep the birdie aloft as you do so.  It’s full body exercise your  brain wont register as working out.  This fact is always a WIN in my book.It’s inexpensive.  Indeed badminton has been an Olympic sport since 1992, but let’s be honest none of us are headed that way.  Our “set” is from the Dollar Store.  It sat outside in the rain, and Texas sun for months before we FINALLY decided to give it a try and it STILL worked just fine for our needs.

(The Tornado is very proud of the posed pic above)

Now you.

When was the last time you played badminton? Was it an adult-organized game or more of the renegade Street ‘Minton (shhhh) we played?

And, if it’s been EONS or never since you’ve ‘mintoned, are you now sufficiently motivated to snag you a set at your local Dollar Store?

please to table the shuttlecocks & hit us all up in the comments below.

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