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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oh, Shizz. I Can’t Workout Today! (Home Workout #5)

You know how it is. You overslept. Or the kids are sick and clingy. Or you have to work late. Or a deadline to meet. Are you feeling unmotivated and sluggish? I hate when this stuff happens.

But alas! I command you to no longer suffer from non-workout symptoms due to chronic interference as mentioned above. Unless it’s a rest day or some major emergency, please flush that ‘I can’t workout today’ reasoning down the toilet.

Fit In These 5 Quick Exercises Throughout Your Day

1) 25 squats after you claw the morning crust out your eyes.

2) 30 second plank (2 rounds) before you get in the shower.

3) 30 alternating front kicks (keep those abs tight!) while your dinner is cooking.

4) 25 crunches + 25 reverse crunches after you put on your couch-assing clothes for the evening.

5) 10 push-ups (2 rounds) before bed.

Now there’s a full body workout, baby! Tell me you can’t fit this in throughout your day.

Get creative. Find a way. Make a way. And get it done.


View the original article here

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