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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday: Slightly Up As Expected

weigh in

After this weekend I’m surprised the number isn’t higher. Boy did I rediscover my love of cheese and chocolate.

But whatev <-me trying to me cute nonchalant. Not working, I know.

I really am disconnected from the number anymore. Being more focused on the Tough Mudder training is really helping. I missed a couple of days last week but I’m doing my best and I love having the schedule. Just checked off yoga today and looking forward to tomorrow’s weight training. I’m just lacking on runs right now which is funny as they should be the easiest thing for me to do.

I really having nothing else to say tonight. I’m spent! This whole having an 11 month old while balancing conference calls for FitBloggin‘, and writing is exhausting! I used to be all motivated to blog after the boys went to bed. Now, all I want to do is go to bed myself!

Speaking of.. I’m signing off. :)

In other news, I said my good-byes on Baby’s First Year. Little Bean will be “The toddler” in just a few short weeks. Crazy. I know!

View the original article here

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