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Friday, March 2, 2012

HAIR? check. MAKE-UP: check. Camera crew? CheckCheckCheck.

We all I remember this photo because it captures the first real make-up application I’d ever had:

The final flat-ironed product turned out like this:

Amazingly it all came together to produce this (please to note the hand. can you tell I LONG to launch into the Elaine Benis Thumb Dance?):

You may or may not have ever seen this:

The Tornado, while she possesses a streak of tomboy, LOVES her some make-up application and dress up time:

Today those two worlds shall collide for her.


And while I’ve told her—-I dont think she has any concept of what’s coming.

Fila & a film crew flew here last night and will descend (along with hair, make-up, & myriad outfit changes) on our house** around 8am.

We’ll be filming Fila Fitness minutes.

Im playing Spokesmom with appearances by the Tornado as spokeskid.

I *think* this consists of doing various & sundry PLAYouts, talking about staying healthy WITH your children, & am hoping any dancing will be of the PARTY variety in our kitchen.

Oh, and  the Tornado has repeatedly informed Ren Man & me she plans to teach us to break-dance.  Apparently on the kinder playground they kick it like it’s 1984.

So there is that.

 I’ll be back.

With stories Im certain…

**Yes. The surprise of the coming-to-my-unkempt-house thing could have been frazzling had I allowed it to be. I chose to simply shove my head in the dirty, stained couch pillows sand & not think about it.   

View the original article here

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