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Friday, February 10, 2012

Wednesday Weigh In: Well THAT’S a Surprise.

weigh in

That’s the lowest number I’ve seen on the scale since I got pregnant. I’m not going to try to over analyze it but I must admit, it makes me kinda mad.

I haven’t worked out in a week. I haven’t ran. I haven’t lifted weights. My butts been on the couch more these last 7 days then the last 7 years. I’ve also been on pain meds, muscle relaxers and steroids for my back.

I’m all out of whack and the scale does what?


Yet when I’m working my ass off, staying fit and exercising regularly the scale doesn’t budge. It just taunts me by going up and down. Up and down. UP AND DOWN.

See.. I told you, the scale is a fickle stupid head.

Yeah, I just said stupid head. That’s what happens when you spend the evening with a 6 year old. ;)

In other news…

View the original article here

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