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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday Weigh In: *sigh*

I’ve promised myself I’d weigh in Wednesday no matter what.

Well this week is a "what."

It’s AMAZING how fast the scale can go up. Do I think I actually gained more than 5lbs of fat in a week?


That’s pretty hard to do even with a chocolate and Chinese food binge. I’m retaining lots of water from eating crap, that probably accounts for half, if not more of the weight increase.

For some reason I gave up food journaling last week. I was in the zone for about 3 weeks and then I just stopped.

That’s when the nibbling picked back up. The extra slice of cheese when I’m making a sandwich. The bites left on Little Guy’s plate when he doesn’t finish dinner. The handful of Doritos from the husband’s bag.

These are the things I struggle with.

I’ve also been in a funk. My back has been bothering me and it’s curbing my gym time. I’ve been tired and cranky and overwhelmed. All things that have me medicating with food.

So here’s the deal.

The scale is what it is. There’s no sense in getting upset about it. Food journal is back in action. I feel the need for a little structure. It always helps me curb the mindless munching.Taking a few days off from the gym is not the end of the world. My back needs a break. I need a break. That doesn’t mean I’m getting out of the habit (my fear.)

Feeling better getting all that out of my head.

And this is why I blog. :)

View the original article here

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