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Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Sensational Super Bowl Sunday!

First, I just want to thank everyone for the well wishes. I’m feeling MUCH better. Not 100% but I’m able to be up and about without yelping in pain. I’m making an appointment with a specialist to get another opinion on my back. I’ll keep you posted.

Today started with a kitchen-fest. I made an amazing batch of Banana Pancakes…

Click here for the recipe.

I also made a batch of Homemade Sauce…

(Click here for the recipe)

… an egg yolk omelet for Bean, and an egg white omelet for me.

After breakfast we cleaned up a bit. Someone is obsessed with the dishwasher…

as was his brother before him. It’s cracks me up.

We had fun doing laundry, of course.

Then I did something I rarely get to do.

Grocery shopping ALONE!

What a treat!

I came home, put everything away and then got lunch ready for the boys…

before heading out for a lunch of my own. I had a date to meet two friends for a movie and we hit a local restaurant before hand.

I started with the a cup of Maryland Crab Soup.

Got a veggies wrap…

and replaced the fries with a side of veggies.

And of course… Popcorn at the movies!

We saw Woman in Black. (These were my horror movie friends.) It was good but not as good as I thought it would be.

When I got back Little Guy showed off the new Ninjago set he put together with Daddy while I was gone.

Then he helped me clean the fruit I bought earlier.

I decided to make applesauce out of some aging apples we had with wrinkly skin.

I chopped them up small (with skin) added a splash of lemon juice, cinnamon, nutmeg and simmered it for the rest of night. I’ll show you the result later.

Little Bean had a snack.

He’s funny with the blueberries. He’ll bite one, chew for a minute and then spit them out. BUT he keeps going back for more. It’s cute.

All this was happening while I made my Super Bowl treat…

Won Ton Nacho Bites. They were awesome! Click here for the recipe.

I also roasted myself some spaghetti squash.

The boys were having pasta but I knew I’d be the one to eat all of the Won Ton Nacho Bites so I kept dinner light.

While dinner was cooking there was an awful lot of playing going on…

The Husband’s plate was just insanity. I mean seriously..

And he ate it ALL!

Just looking at it gives me a belly ache.

After dinner I checked in on the applesauce…

Perfect! You can now run it through the blender but I’m gonna keep it chunky and add it to some yogurt for the baby and maybe some oatmeal for me. :)

After we cleaned up it was all about the super bowl (and blogging for me cause I multitask like that. ;)

Click here to see how Little Bean went from here…

to here…

He’s on the move!

That’s all I have tonight! I’m now watching the Voice with the hubby. It’s time to log off. :)

View the original article here

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