Well go on then. Rate your hawtness. But it’s NOT determined by your current size or weight.
Your Hawtness Level is a direct reflection of what you’re doing (or not doing) right now to get where you wanna be with your fitness goals. So how hawt are you?
5 Levels of Hawtness
Level Zero: You ain’t doing shit and you know it. Days turn into months without a fitness regimen, including broken promises to yourself to get started. Not so hawt.
Level 1: You’re tired of living like this. You recognize that change must happen now. You’re ready to really do something about it. You’re serious this time and willing to do whatever it takes. Genuine commitment has set in! [insert epic music here, like the Rocky theme or something]
Level 2: Ugh. Change is difficult and old habits die hard, but you’re pushing through the rough spots. Quitting is NOT an option this time. Many do-overs are still required, but every mess up, slip up or misstep you experience is practice at getting it right. You can’t be held back.
Level 3: You’re moving everyday and eating right with an acceptable amount of greedy indulgence on the side. It’s happening. You’re doing it! You feel good and you’re starting to see the emergence of solid results.
Level 4: You’ve made excellent weight loss progress, but have you honestly challenged yourself OUTSIDE of your comfort zone? You could go into maintenance mode right now and be glad about it, but to achieve something even greater (like sexy glutes or bad ass biceps), you’re not totally there yet. A push is required: Greater commitment. More self evaluation and fine-tuning. More sweat. Yet lots of peeps aren’t interested in pushing, so they stop here at Level 4. But others (maybe YOU?) begin to ask yourself questions like, “Is this workout too easy?” And, “How can I take it to the next level?”
Level 5: Beast mode! You get out of it what you put into it. Your fitness is no longer cruising on autopilot with average results. You are on your way to fully reclaiming your body and health, or achieving the body you never had but always wanted. Level 5 Hawtness is where it’s at. It’s hardcore badassness in action — a serious investment of time and effort, and a bold, relentless vision that gets up everyday and makes it count.
I’ve personally experienced Levels 0-4, and now thoroughly enjoy my Level 5 fitness journey. What Level are you basking in right now and where do you see yourself headed? Oh, and if you feel hopelessly stuck at any Level (escpecially Zero), just shoot me an email me. We need to talk.
Ps: Today is my wedding anniversary. Bow-chicka-bow-bow!
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