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Thursday, January 19, 2012

oooh SNAP. A NIGHT-exerciser responds:

Hi my name is Katie and I can’t work out before 5:30 at night.  


That’s right I said it.  I can’t get up early and workout like some many other amazing fitness junkies.  I tried a few times and it was a complete bust for me.  My lungs don’t seem to want to wake up until at least 6:30 a.m..  So that means that I’m forced to SQUEEZE it in sometime after work, but before dinner.

Luckily, my husband is also an evening exerciser so we usually plan to go together and my son E gets to go to the nursery where he plays and makes a mess which someone else gets to clean up so it’s a win-win.  Between the time I leave work and get to the gym, my mind goes through a series of checkpoints (otherwise known as excuses that are quickly overruled).  I thought I’d share those with you to help you get over the hump and get to the gym.

 Excuses for not exercising in the evening debunked:

1.       Many people will say that “if I don’t go straight from work, I won’t go at all”  That’s NEVER been the case for me.  Fitness is a priority and always will be.  Because of that, I go home, I change, I get my husband and child ready and we all turn right back around and head to the gym.  No excuses.  So that’s my first recommendation for you: MAKE FITNESS AND YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY

2.       I’ve also heard…”well, by the end of the day I’m exhausted.  I don’t have any energy”.  Another excuse that can easily be overcome.  First off, GO TO BED!!  Get your sleep.  Sleep is essential to making sure that your day goes smoothly.  Secondly, watch what you put in your body throughout the day…If you’re feeding your body lots of artificial sugars then you’re not even giving yourself a fighting chance.  Try adding an apple to the mix if you’re looking for something sweet.  Refrigerate it if you want something cold.  Add some peanut butter for added protein.  My second recommendation: EAT TO SUCCEED

3.       The third excuse I hear and again, you can work through it is…”I’ve had a terrible day, all I want to do is go home and veg”.  UMMM, no!  Sorry.  When I’ve tried doing this, I’ve found that I just sit and stew about the bad day that was instead of moving on.  Work is work is work.  When you walk out the door, try to put it all behind you and move on to the next part of your day.  Part of what makes fitness great is that no one is going to bite your head off for pushing yourself. Beside the sweat you’ll produce cleanses yourself of the terrible day’s toxins that might have built up.  My third recommendation: SWEAT IT OUT!

4.       Finally, there are days when you just need some help, some motivation, some energy and some support.  My final recommendation: Use our amazing twitter network for motivation, drink a 5 hour energy (my quick energy source) and hug someone.  Then off you go!!

Now what were you planning to do tonight?  Head to the gym…it’s waiting for you.

Katie is the creator and blogger of, fitness junkie, former fitness competitor, runner, triathlete and working mom in the healthcare industry.  She’s been blogging since 2009 and has a passion for sharing her experiences and tips for staying fit and healthy while trying to maintain a balance. 

She carries that love of fitness into her extracurricular activities which include sitting on the planning committee for Celebrate Fitness in St. Louis and motivating anyone who needs it. 

 Her motto is “Make it Worth it” and wants everyone to know that it is possible to make time for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Even if it’s 10 minutes to cook, make sure that 10 minutes is focused and purposeful.

View the original article here

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