My lone olive purchase siting happily on the checkout scanner.
Ever since this Ready Set Eat post olives have been a topic of discussion.
Here (tell me again why you dont like olives, mama?)
There (you’re a role model. for craps goodness sake Carla eat the olive so she’ll keep eating the olives.)
And everywhere ( some Facebook discussions that had me in tears I laughed so hard.)
So I considered. I pondered.
Could it be time for me to suck it up, taste the small weird smelling, wrinkly food-stuff I associated only with old jars and pimentos?
I listed the pros (I’d be practicing what I preached about trying everything once, I’d get me some FAB health benefits, liking olives might indicate I liked martinis which would open a whole new world for me).
I listed the cons (I might throw up a little in my mouth, I’d lose that whole “LOOK AT ME! IM 42 & HAVE NEVER TASTED AN OLIVE!” thing I had going on.)
I headed to the grocery.
Judging by how they looked it seemed these were the ones you’d suggested.
oily. wrinkly. precisely what you’d told me to procure.
but I grew distracted by the ones which looked like something I loved already…
It was only later, in the Tornado-filmed snippet of video below (alert google reader peeps!), I realized Ive made a huge mistake.**
What did I do wrong (besides accidentally throwing the procured item on the floor prompting giggles from my 5 year old camera woman)?
Was it the olive? The method of mouth-meeting? Or are olives really more nasty less tasty than people insist?
*PLEASE* to hit me up in the comments below.
Olive you forever if you do.
**I know the grammar is horribly off there—but I love me some GOB too much to mess with his quote.
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