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Sunday, August 7, 2011

A glimpse into my packpack**

Click the broccoli! Click the broccoli!

Before I write many of my posts I talk them through with the 5 year old.

It helps me to clarify my thoughts when I hear them said out loud.

90% of the time she tunes me out, but there remains that 10% where she’s not only interested but ADDS her two cents into the mix.

This is one of those posts.

The photo above was taken after I asked her what her current favorite healthy snack was.

Id mock her selection as an attempt to curry mama-favor—but she snarfed & snacked the whole car ride home.

Broccoli? Who knew. 

For the rest of the story please to click the image above.

**I know. Ive been told repeatedly to start correcting the but mama thinks they’re so cute! words before kindergarten. I have, but I do love me some packpack.  I leave her at the mercy of her peers with that one.

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