(This is but a small sampling. I am, indeed, an addict.)
Ok, People.
I start this post by longing to make a comparison I know will date me, and one I used to make repeatedly back in the day.
Back in the day when it still dated me—-just not as much.
To know me.
To *really* know me.
Is to realize I aspire to be Elton John.
(if you’re young and befuddled please to see the caption under the photo above)
It’s addiction so raging and pricey I pretty much recognized I was allowed no other.
Fancy shoes? Nah. I’m happy with Payless or the Mart of the Wall.
Beautiful baubles? Chances are the bling you covet is a CZ.
Costly couture? Im all Tarjay all the way.
You get the idea.
Im happily frugal until it comes to glasses.
For me frames do far more than house my lenses: they are an extension of myself.
Ive begin to realize recently the pair I don on any given day gives clues to the people Im with about my identity (identity du jour? I suspect it’s that depending on if Im in a business meeting or a tutu-gathering).
The pair I don on any given day indicates how I wish to be perceived (serious? silly? frivolous? frumpy?).
The pair I don on any given day can even foreshadow the day’s plans (playground PLAYOUT time? Im on the rimless specs for sure! TV interview? Ive gots on the serious librarian specs!).
Ive begun to realize recently the 2 minutes I spend each morning yanking a pair of glasses from the jumbled mess of my drawer my expensive, well-lit, velvet lined display case reveals that days answer to a question Ive been struggling to answer:
Who am I?
At least for that day.
Which leads me to ask you—ala this post in a way—what are your glasses?
What item do you don (or use) on a daily basis which helps define you—both for yourself and for others you encounter?
Be it handbags, shoes, ties or bandannas please to hit us all up in the comments below.
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