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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Finish It Monday: Objects In Mirror Are Stronger Than They Appear

…and in case you don’t know it, that “object” is YOU.

There’s a popular fitness instructor that always encourages you to “do only what you can”. For a long time I thought that was a good, comfortable philosophy to live by, but I beg to differ now. You’ve got to do MORE than you think you can. Why? Because there’s more in your ability-tank than you think you have. There is always more – and that is the realm where the breakthroughs come from.

Welcome to week #2 of the Finish What You Started Challenge.

No matter your current state of fitness, you are stronger than you appear with the ability to do more than you believe to get what you want. This realm of extra strength is not drawn from your muscles or cardio power. It’s a mental thing. I have literally pushed myself into doing more (like finishing a hard workout when every fiber of my being wants to quit) by pushing myself mentally. I’ve literally talk myself into finishing, as in, “C’mon Josie! You can do this!” …or, “Keep going. You’re almost done. You can’t quit now.”

Ugh. It’s hard. But we’re all stronger.

Even though it might cause you discomfort – more sweat, more discipline, the pain of refusing your favorite snacks (yes, that is painful), getting up at the butt crack of dawn to ensure your workout, etc. – I encourage you to get used to being uncomfortable while you draw out that strength.

If it’s not uncomfortable, it’s not a Challenge. But don’t worry. The discomfort doesn’t last forever, because those beneficial-uncomfortable things you’re doing will become habit. You’ll go from hating it to craving it. So go on – get uncomfortable for awhile.

Show Me Your Stars!

So how’d you do? Last week you had the opportunity to earn 29 stars in the Challenge. Me? I earned 25 stars. My week of fitness was stellar, but I ran into a shallow ditch with my eating due to a family beach barbecue over the weekend. Daaang. Although 25 stars ain’t too shabby, the expectation I’ve placed on myself is to grab the max number of stars each and every week. Have you placed expectations on yourself?

Sound off in the comments section and show me your stars! This is all about accountability, so share with us how many stars you earned last week. 

Download your Star System Tracking Chart and log daily your progress.

Your Homework For This Week

Last week I introduced you to Team Gorgonzola and talked about the mysteries to unlocking a delicious salad.  But we’re not just talkers ’round here. We’re doers. Right? We take action and get stuff done to move forward. Yes? Salad-chewing is one of those things that will help you reach you goals, so while you’re shooting for your 28 stars on the Tracking Chart, give yourself 2 extra bonus stars in the “other category” when you complete your homework by eating 3 or more salad entrees this week. Meaning, instead of eating a lunch or dinner that looks like takeout, a frozen diet meal, cheeseburgers, or some other salad-inferior meal, you reach for the the lettuce with all the trimmings instead.

So there you have it – shoot for max number of stars this week, eat your minimum of 3 salads to snag bonus stars, and get uncomfortable! If you haven’t joined the Finished what You Started Challenge yet, here’s how.

I also want to hear about how your past week of fitness has been, so tell me all about it in the comments. And if you blogged about it, be sure to leave your link so I can read your post!


View the original article here

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