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Friday, August 12, 2011

Do You Make Excuses?

Last night I could have come up with a million reasons not to go running. It was after a long day. I was by myself with the kids. The power went out. I’m backlogged with work. I couldn’t find my sneakers (easily.)

I swear, I pondered it for a good 15 minutes. Then I decided to stop searching for the excuse I needed to not go.

I’m good at coming up with excuses. I did it for years.

I can’t lose weight.
It’s too hard. It will never work anyway. I can’t start until Monday, I have a party this weekend. I just like to eat. I’m big boned. I’m going to gain it back anyway.

I don’t have the time. I’m too tired. I don’t like to sweat. It’s too hard. I don’t know anyone at the gym. I don’t know what to do. My shows are on tonight. I’m not in shape.

I’ve said all of these things at least once in my life. They were all excuses. It’s easy to see that in hindsight now, of course, because I did lose weight and I do exercise. But at that time, I told myself what I needed to hear so I can get out of doing what I knew I should (and wanted) to be doing.


I’m not sure.

I guess because it was, and is, hard. When things are difficult it’s simply easier to not do them. It’s easier to order in than cook. It’s easier to stay home and watch TV than take a walk. It’s easier to grab a bag of chips than peel an orange.

It’s also easier to succeed when you don’t give yourself an excuse.

I went for that run last night and I felt fantastic afterwards. Sometimes you have to ignore your excuse generating inner voice and do what it is you know you should be doing.

Here’s the food journal for yesterday…

2 quick banana pancakes with blueberries and some more blueberries on the sidea request fromt he Little Guy. An old favorite of ours. It wasn’t quite time for lunch so I went light. slice of cheese, some grapes and watermelonYoga AND a 4.5 mile run plus a stroll to the park.

View the original article here

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