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Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Weekend Off to Prioritize

I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed lately, and it absolutely my own fault. I just keep taking on more and more responsibilities.


It’s like I’m a glutton for punishment.

It’s time to prioritize.

What that exactly means, I’m still deciding, but right now I have too many hands in too many pots. I’m stressing over things when I don’t need to be. It’s affecting me, my goals, and my focus.

So I decided to unplug this weekend, stepping away from the computer on Friday.

Saturday was Little Guy’s birthday party. We had about 30 people over.

It was an absolute BLAST!

A lot of work, but still a blast.

The house still hasn’t fully recovered, but I have. It was exactly what I needed–a few days to just BE.

So I’ll leave you tonight with a few pics from the weekend and a clear head. Even though I don’t exactly know what I’m doing yet, I’m ready to start this week fresh. And that’s what Sensational Sunday’s are all about!

The Birthday Boy. He had a BLAST!

We rented a moonbounce. Talk about a workout! Jumping in that was the only one I got this weekend.

Little Guy and I playing with one of his gifts this mornings. :)

Lost ANOTHER tooth too!

Little Bean also had a blast. Well, when we was up at least. He’s been sleeping more. Click here for an update on him and quite possibly the cutest picture ever!

I will be back tomorrow with a food journal. I’m commiting to posting them for at least a week.

Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

View the original article here

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