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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It’s my birthday. *You* get the treat (Oh Shoes giveaway).

Yes, Oh my readers, today is the day.

Im now FORTY TWO (& shouting HOORAY!!!).

The **fab** Oh Shoes! did send me a treat:

Because of the COLOR her approval did meet!

They matched my tattoo. The color *divine*.

(The Tornado did ask: Oh  Mama–they mine??)

I slipped them right on. By the comfort amazed!

The like-a-glove FIT? I could wear these all day(s)!

I wore them for work.

I wore them for play:

This misfit wore them on the treadmill one day**

The Alana? SO COMFY.  So sassy. SO PINK!!

The LOVE of my flip-flops they made me re-think.

At the child’s request I wear em all day.

She smiles when I start out my morning THIS WAY:

 (now for the serious part.)

What did I ADORE about my Alana shoes from Oh! Shoes?

The re-branding of me.  Pink? Heels? Patent leather inserts? What could be less me!?  And yet, to my delight, they were so OUTSIDE of my attire-box they ended up right back in.  The moment I opened the package and ripped them out of the Tornado’s hand held them I was smitten.  I say no to most giveaways/reviews these days—I could not resist the temptation of these shoes.  Which leads me to…They are healthy heels.  And the company does NOT over promise.  I love my flip-flops.   I rarely rarely RARELY am seen in heels (my Bat Miztvah comes to mind. I was *married* in sneakers!).  I wore these all day and only remembered I had them on because of the barrage of complements.  They were BEYOND COMFORTABLE.  Im a frugal misfit and am going to buy myself the black pair.  Dont wanna take my word for it? Here’s why they are so comfortable:

 I. Felt. Sexy.  Sassy. I wont go into why—but I needed this right now.They went with everything.  I am not known for my sense of style & had surmised the pink would match little and that the heels (no matter how healthy) would be limiting.  I was wrong.  From long shorts to short skirts the Alanas went with pretty much everything I owned!I felt hip.  I was going to leave this one out—but feel compelled to share.  I was hosting a playgroup and as everyone left one of the mothers pulled me aside and said: I have to tell you I went in your room and I saw those shoes.  Im so impressed.  It took a few minutes but I finally put together she was talking about my Pink Confections.  I love the style, the cut the leather—you are so with it!  she continued.  And, as a misfit who is NEVER deemed stylistically “with it” —– I snickered (inside) I smiled (outside) & simply said thank you.

What did I not like about the Alana shoe?

Brace yourself people: it’s fall & there are only a few pink pairs left. Apparently Im slow to get to reviews (& I wanted to run this on my birthday) so you’re now mainly relegated to the brown and black both of which I completely covet.Here’s where I’d say the cost—but Im not gonna and here’s why: you get what you pay for.  Honestly I might not have purchased these for myself initially (FTC MY SHOES WERE FREE) as Im Frugal McGee.  Now that Ive worn and worn them I understand why cheap shoes are not healthy heels.  These are so so so worth the money and even more so for us active women!!

(ok.ok. Ill get to the giveaway part even though it’s my birthday & Ill ramble if I want to ramble if I waaaant to…)

In honor of my birthday you may be entered to win a pair of Oh! Shoes for the low low price of a comment below.

What shoes would *you* choose were you to win & where would you wear them?

I never ask readers to ” go look at site and come back and comment.”

I turn down giveaways which require I do so.

That said, this is all my idea.  I ADORE MY ALANAS and long to know which ones you love.

Help me spend my birthday money and please to hit me up in the comments below.

Dont wanna wait to see if you won? use the coupon code juliejulie20 for 20% off

USA ONLY Winner announced 7.25.11

**This is a joke. Please to not try at home and sue me.

View the original article here

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