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Monday, July 11, 2011

4 Days Down 80 to Go and Week 13 Weigh In!

Training is full steam ahead, even though my run was cut short tonight. The husband came home late from work and I couldn’t fit everything in. It just got too late and too dark.

I did get a weight training session and I ran 1.5 of my 3 mile goal. I’m going to hate myself in the morning, but I LOVED it! I forgot how I like to lift. It’s been a long time. I think I stopped when I was 4-5 months pregnant.

I also weighed in today. I’m trying HARD not to say….


As is I’m ONLY down .2.

Nope.. I will not allow myself to have that mentality. It’s still moving in the right direction. I feel great. I’m making the best choices I can. I’m working out. Why let the scale decide if I’m succeeding?

I AM succeeding.

I sent this out on twitter this afternoon.

Screw you scale. I don’t need your support. I’m doing fine without you anyway.

And I meant it. Soon Mr. Scale will see the err in his ways. :)

Here’s the food journal. Click here for my weight progression so far and here to see my training schedule.

TONS of blueberries topped with a cup of light blueberrie yogurtI just didn’t feel like making anything elsebreakfast was satisfying enoughMiracle Noodles with a quick homemade sauceI’ve been getting a lot of questions about these. I’ll be posting a reiew soon. In the mean time you can see them here Deli turkey and cheese roll ups with a side of DorritosNOT a stellar lunch. Like breakfast, I was in a grabby moodquick turkey meatballs with whole wheat pastaLittle Guy and I good together it was AWESOME!

View the original article here

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