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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Willpower vs Willingness.

To know me in any fashion—be it I(n) R(eal) L(ife) or a new blogger-friend–is to know I never make New Years resolutions.

I created a personal mission statement over a decade ago and, while I tweak facets of it, it remains fairly constant & I remain unable to achieve it strive year in and out to reach it.

As a result, instead of yammering at you about the importance of goal setting this pre-2011 week, Ive chosen to focus on willpower.

Or, as better works for me, WILLINGNESS.

(video below)

What are your thoughts, Oh busy-planning-the-NYE-parties readers of mine?

Do you possess the tremendous amounts of willpower I do not?

Are you, as I am, simply willing to do what it takes to reach your goal/achieve your personal mission statement because it’s just that IMPORTANT TO YOU?

What are your thoughts, oh Bumbling Band?

Or do you (as I always hope this articulate blogger does) completely disagree with my take on the matter and have yet a third perspective to toss our way?

Please take a moment from your soiree-planning, send me an evite, & hit us all up in the comments below.

View the original article here

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