I didn’t think anything could top last year’s forgetful Christmas when my family left a crockpot of meatballs on the sidewalk. But someone in my mom’s apartment complex is in competition to beat us for the best humorous short-term memory lapse. See exhibit A:
Yes, that is a bag of trash. Sitting on the trunk of a car. A car that we followed out of my mom’s apartment complex, up and over a hill, through a traffic light, and then another half mile before they turned off into a random driveway, presumably because they finally realized they were driving around town with a bag of trash on top of their car.
There is only one trash compactor in my mom’s complex, so people who live at the far ends of the development sometimes put their trash on top of the trunk of their car and drive it over to the dumpster. Why not put it in the back seat? Because it’s trash. It smells nasty and could possibly stain the seats. I’m guessing this person forgot they’d put it there and couldn’t see it out of their back window because it was covered in snow. Since the bag is white, I also wonder if it took them awhile to realize it was a trash bag and not snow.
Thankfully, they did not launch a trash missile into traffic and they gave us a good laugh. Just remember, when you take the trash out, don’t take it out out.
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