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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Around here we’re seizing the day to loll about and watch Shrek Forever After for the thousandth time map out precisely how we, as a family, plan to ROCK 2011.

Admittedly we like to go gently into a New Year around here.

Also admittedly, since my days of raucous partying are behind me,  this morning’s hangover is courtesy of bonbons & not beer.

And you?

Are you going full-tilt today?

Kicking ass & taking names?

(In which case join me over here at Yahoo!’s new Your Wisdom site.  Im playing grown-up, giving uber-serious workout tips, & excited to be a contributor.)

Or are you thrilled, as we are, today falls on a weekend with the built-in SHREK-cuse to put off all life-changing decisions till Monday?

Please to hit us all up in the comments.

Gently & softly for the mightcould be hung over among us.

View the original article here

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