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Monday, December 27, 2010

Just Sharing My Weekend

We’ve had quite a weekend. Just craziness! I’m not even sure where to begin.

Let’s start with Saturday morning. Little Man came with me to boot camp (they are now involving kids for the first half of class, VERRY COOL) and then we raced thru Trader Joe’s picking up just a few supplies. We had to rush home to get ready for his first school concert!

His elementary school was having a winter jubilee where all the kindergardeners had to sing carols on stage. It was precious! And such a fun way to kick off the season. We had a blast getting ready for the event. Everyone was in a goofy mood…

As punishment for gloating about finishing the Christmas cards I took the most perfect family shot AFTER they were done. DARN IT…

Ahh well. We still have the picture at least. I think I print one for us. :)

The Christmas concert went off without a hitch, My Little Man looked so good up on stage! It was so fun watching him.

Afterwards we headed on the road to PA. It was my nieces 7th birthday and we decided to take the drive up and celebrate. After the long car ride I crashed around 10PM. It was the earliest I’ve gone to bed in months and I felt wonderful this morning. WHY don’t I go to bed early ALL the time? I mean really. You’d think I would have learned my lesson by this point. Anyway, we had a pretty lazy morning hanging out with my parents before heading to Chuck E. Cheese. The kids were great. Just look at these two goofballs…

We were there for 3 hours riding rides, playing games and eating pizza. Yea.. I ate more than my share. I don’t know what it is about bad pizza but I have a hard time stopping myself at 1, 2 or even 3 slices. I swear pizza in any form gets me every time.

Once we had our fill of pizza and cheap plastic toys we headed back on the road to head home. It’s a 3 and half hour drive but we made the best of it. Little Guy had a new flash light and a coloring book to help keep him busy while the Husband and I chatted the whole way.

It was a wonderful weekend but there’s something about the travel that just wipes us out. I did come home and make lunches for tomorrow but other than that, I have a lot of work to do to catch up for the week. Tomorrow with by my catchup day. But only AFTER my hit the gym. I’m having fun following my new pregnancy training plan. It’s just the shot of motivation I needed.

Well that’s all I got in me tonight. I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

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