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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Guided Meditation Using Self Hypnosis Techniques and Yoga Nidra Relaxation for Weight Loss

Guided Meditation Using Self Hypnosis Techniques and Yoga Nidra Relaxation for Weight LossMake peace with the process of eating, follow your intentions and lead yourself to health and nourishment by using effective guided meditations, self-hypnosis techniques and Yoga Nidra the ancient art of intentional relaxation. Undo negative cycles of thought and free yourself from anxiety, releasing your body's innate capability to balance itself.

Dr. Siddharth Ashvin Shah uses the best of traditional and modern thinking to craft simple, accessible and highly effective exercises that increase awareness, create stillness and support positive eating behaviors.

Weight Loss Through Mindful Eating is not a gimmick or a magic cure. It is a directed path away from extreme, unhealthy attitudes about food toward a calm, purposeful, healthy center.

Using guided techniques based in meditation, self-hypnosis and Yoga Nidra, Dr. Shah's gentle vocal tones ease you into relaxation as the sounds of tamboura and ocean waves play quietly in the background. Discover self-acceptance and renew your commitment to a healthy lifestyle with this positive, powerful tool.

Track 1 - Brief Guided Meditation for Well Being 10:00

Track 2 - Guided Meditation for Weight Loss and Mindful Eating 15:13

Track 3 - Yoga Nidra Relaxation for Weight Loss

This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Price: $16.50

Click here to buy from Amazon

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