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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Greedy Baby Mug Shot and Thanksgiving From Hell

Greedy Baby Mug Shot

This is what happens when child-spawns are allowed to romp in makeup. But is that what really happened? I would be an irresponsible mother if I confessed to you that Greedy Baby ended up with this mug shot while at the local precinct after a long night of partying.


But in other news…

I’m not a Thanksgiving recap kinda woman, but check out what happened and please feel sorry for me:

FAIL #1: On the way to Pennslyvania, health-hater and I got into an argument a high level spat over driving directions. But how does this happen when our OnStar GPS was pointing the way with turn-by-turn navigation? That is very stupid (uh, the arguing part) .

FAIL #2: Greedy Baby threw up in the car. She got car sick from husband’s driving. I just know it.

FAIL #3: The car broke down on the way home. But while we were waiting for the tow truck, it decided it was gonna start working again. It turns out driving through huge puddles does not make a car’s fancy computer system very happy. So don’t do that.

You can actually consider this a quadruple threat since our camera is (temporarily?) lost and I can’t retrieve our Thanksgiving pics to share with you. The camera phone mug shot of Greedy Baby is all I can deliver.

Depending on your level of “feel sorry” for me due to the events that unfolded, I am willing accept foot rubs, scalp massages, step-on-my-back cracks, or cash deposits to my bank account so you can help me feel all better. Pick one or pick them all. Because you wants me to be happy again, don’t you?

View the original article here

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