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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Final Commit to Fit Giveway: Up to $100 for fitness challenge of your choice

I really meant for there to be a few more entries posted between this one and the last giveaway so my blog wouldn’t start to resemble The Price is Right. But, uh, my head hurts and I had a lot of work to do, so I didn’t make it happen. If I start making y’all wear name tags and start saying “Come on down!” I give you permission to smack me.

This is the final Commit to Fit giveaway sponsored by Subway, and the one I kept putting off because it meant I’d have to make an actual commitment to fitness. Here’s the official blurb-age:

Have you decided what fitness commitment you’re going to make? Think about what your Commit to Fit Challenge is. It can be anything from running your first 5K to trying out a new class like tai chi or zumba. Let us know what it is and we’ll provide you with the funds (up to $100) to help you meet your challenge!

After reading all your suggestions on this post, I decided to just go with the obvious and try zumba. I enjoyed the TurboKick class I took a few years ago, so hopefully zumba will have the same fun atmosphere. I searched for a class on the official zumba page and found one locally. So, I’ll commit to doing that for 8 weeks and see how it goes. At the least, it’s an opportunity for me to get out of my apartment and be around other human beings, and not hibernate in front of my computer doing freelance work. Particularly now that it’s getting cooler, signing up for an indoor exercise class will hopefully keep me exercising through the winter.

If you’d like to enter for a chance to win up to $100 to put toward your own fitness goal, leave a comment on this entry with your favorite word that contains the letter “z.” (I already made you state your fitness challenges on this post, so I didn’t want to repeat.) You must be a US resident to enter. The contest ends at 11:59pm on Sunday, November 28, 2010. Winner will be drawn randomly.

BTW, the winner of the Laila Ali giveaway was Madeline from Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. Congrats, Madeline! Please don’t punch me with your prize.

Disclosure: All prizes listed in this post were provided for free. is a fascist regime ruled with a benevolent fist by PastaQueen and the macaroni military. Lively discussion is encouraged, but any comment may be deleted or edited according to the whims of your monarch. Please read the official rules of commenting etiquette for more details. Spammers are publicly beheaded and their blood is mixed into our spaghetti sauce. Comments are occasionally disabled some time after an entry has been posted to keep the blog on a spam-free diet.

View the original article here

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