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Friday, December 6, 2013

I sleep like a toddler.

20121119 132634 225x300 I sleep like a toddler. Shocking! Im not here!

These days it seems the most common question I receive is about sleep.

I get lots of what do you eat?! or will you share your workout routine? queries—but more than anything Im asked what time I plop my misfit-self in bed, how you can become an early riser & if I get enough rest (according to that test I *do*–you?!).

I completely understand.

Given the time of day I comment on blogs, commence tweeting & yammer on Facebook it makes sense you’re more intrigued with my bedtime than my biceps.

I ADORE you for it.

You may regret asking after this long snooze-sparking post*—yet, sleep, in my opinion, is the cornerstone to success in all facets of life.

Ive always been a lark.

Im energized by the promise of what the day might hold & the irrepressible feeling today! could! be! the! one!

If youre happily an owl—dont change!

While we can shift ourselves slightly either way—given my natural inclination & that of the Tornado, Im not certain we should try!

photo20 300x193 I sleep like a toddler. yes. yes I do.

Im asleep by 10p & awake at 4 am.

I get up, snag ME-TIME (meditate/work) & squeeze a PLAYout in with the Tornado all before it’s time to walk to school.

I also never set an alarm.

My *firm* belief is if Im not awake & ready to go-go-go! then Im not meant to be awake. I must need more rest.

Im always awake & eager to wrangle my day by 4a.

(Lest it sound as though Im bragging you should see me at 9p. It’s ugly. Im over my day & already longing for a new one.  you’ll have that)

Personal proclivities aside–be you OWL or LARK–I believe we all need to treat ourselves like TODDLERS with regards to sleep.

Screen shot 2013 11 10 at 5.37.27 AM 300x218 I sleep like a toddler. this one taught me ALL about slumber…

Three tips for sleeping creating a toddler-like sleep routine:

Set a routine and stick to it! This simple concept changed my life. As a freelance writer my days are unpredictable. It’s the nature of the job. Keeping my transition from awake to asleep *routine* helps immensely with turning off my work-brain. The more predictable my sleep schedule—the more easily I slip into slumber.  I know this is a challenge with busy lives–yet the benefits of nightly rituals (from tea to journaling) are immeasurable.Leave on a light to scare away monsters! I was plagued by the Cr*p Did I Forget To Do That?! monster & the Shoot I Need To Remember to XXX boogie-woman. My grown-up nightlight? A notebook. I always have pen & paper by my bed.  If I start fretting/mental list-making I grab it, do a braindump so I can *SLEEP* & handle my list in the morning. This tactic works wonders in banishing nighttime fret-fears so my mind rest.Dont wait to unwind! We’d never summon a toddler from a game of freeze tag, plop her in bed and expect her to fall immediately asleep! We recognize the need for transition time. We adult-types forget that same fact about ourselves. Whatever time you go to sleep, ‘start the process’ early.  Provide your mind a chance to s-l-o-w-l-y shed the day’s thoughts/worries & ready itself for rest. Studies say we ‘should’ unplug from screens long before bed time. MizFit says explore different options/find what works best to relax you. From Kindle to Chamomile discover what helps *your* mind unwind.Here is where, were we not chatting about TODDLERS I’d add a rant about caffeine consumption after noon & keeping the bed for, uh, *BED STUFF* and not web surfing. Please to remind yourself of the benefits of these two notions.

(*looks around to see if anyone is still awake & reading*)

I know.

More than you wanted to know about my thoughts on sleep—yet three steps which have tremendously helped me increase my slumber.

Now I turn to you.

Whats your NUMBER ONE tip for falling, staying or making more time for sleep?Do you believe we can shift from OWL to LARK?

*which I guess would make this a winwin, huh?

View the original article here

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