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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

3 steps to committing to your workout time.

Whatever your workout may be it takes COMMITMENT to git it done!

Im a morning tweeter blog reader facebook poster exerciser.

We’ve flogged that poor dead horse already  & discussed why even though it works well for me it is NOT for everyone.

(I also adored how one reader was moved to write a rebuttal. I love me some rebutting!)

For me mornings are the perfect opportunity to TAKE some me-time.

Im completely selfish for about thirty minutes & the Tornado knows,  unless shes bleeding out the eyes or some such catastrophic event, it is MY TIME.  Period.

I also think she’s realizing, in the scope of her-time (with me), it’s pretty damn ephemeral.

Recently Ive seen a flurry of tweets from people who are struggling to commit to a workout time.

Any workout time.

In my typical overly excited misfit fashion, I grabbed my video camera and excitedly vlogged my four best typs.

In my new-found, super organized Carla fashion Ive transcribed an abbreviated version of the tips below.

You may choose the information procuring medium which works best for you.**

Three steps to committing (completely and finally) to a workout time:

Tell everyone your plan.  Decide when works best for you and share with anyone who will listen.  I found setting up the expectation of my doing something (this works in myriad realms) works in my favor and does not cause me to feel pressured. Or feel negative pressure anyway.  I feel pressured but in an ‘Im accountable so Im doing this no matter what” way.Know precisely what your workout will be.   Ive talked before about  having an exercise plan A *and* B.  Set yourself up for success (nothing derails a workout faster than thinking Hmmm what on earth should I do today?) and anticipate any problems before they happen (plan to run outside and it’s pouring? Foil excuses in the making with a Bad Weather Plan B at the ready). Make this time sacred.  We’ve all heard a million times “make your workout an appointment like any other important meeting!” yet so many of us still do not do this.  Additional tip? Even on rest days keep this time sacred.   Do not agree to other things (work etc) with the disclaimer “only because it’s a rest day.”  Do not give the external cues your exercise time can be flexible/shifted.    On rest days I spend this time focusing on healthy living.  Preparing healthy foods in advance, reading fitness material, meditation, stretching, foam rolling…you get the idea.

There you go.

My three best tips for picking an exercise time and committing to it.

The key word above being my.

How did you choose the time of day when you exercise? Any tips for making it a habit?

If you, like many of us, are still struggling to choose a time & have it stick what are some of your biggest hurdles?

**Dont panic. I do not anticipate this superfly organized vlog and transcript thing happening again. It frightened me as well.

(photograph courtesy of 2526 Studios.)

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Dont be afraid to take that first step (guest post).

Fear really is a 4 letter word. Fear of failure is a very strong motivator to stay where you are. Fear has held me back from doing so many things throughout my life.

I was a very overweight child. I started my first diet in grade-school which was the beginning to a life of losing weight then gaining it all back plus a few more. A life of feeling like a failure because of my weight struggle.

Listen to people when they tell you your thoughts and the spoken word have a lot of power. One diet I went on, I lost 101 pounds and made jokes though-out the entire year of how much fun it would be to gain it all back. I made these jokes because I didn’t really believe I would keep it off and it was my way of letting everyone know not to be surprised when I gained it all back.

I had 2 miscarriages that really sent me in a downward spiral for many years in my 30's. My thoughts were telling me what a failure I was because I couldn’t even do that right. My son is grown and married and I felt like I had nothing to live for and was just glad when each day was over and I was able to go back to bed and sleep.

I was happy when I was eating. I often ate to the point of feeling sick, but was still able to eat a little more in an attempt to get rid of all of the negative feelings I had inside. Then I felt guilty and beat myself up for my unhealthy choices.

In my early 40's I tried several diets for a few weeks or months, but always gave up and gained any loss back, plus a few more. One day I decided I was going to try something different. I was going to add positive things into my life and not get mad or feel guilty when I still made bad choices. No strict rules or guidelines. Just adding in some healthy things.

The first thing I decided to do was really hard for me. I had to stop beating myself up and telling myself I was a failure and stop all of the negative self talk. I have been telling myself I was fat and a loser since childhood. I never really believed I was deserving of anything good because of my weight. I had to start being kind to myself at 247 pounds. Now that was tough!

I was so uncomfortable even thinking I believed in myself in the beginning. I actually cringed a little the first few times I said out loud that I liked myself. I found it easier just to say it in my mind in the beginning because it was too difficult to say the words out loud. As I continued to make healthy changes in how I thought and talked to myself I also started adding some other healthy things.

I added in some activity. In the beginning it was only 5 minute walks and I worked my way up to walking most days of the week and increasing my time and often I take several walks a day.

I wish you could see the smile on my face as I write the words, I have my first bicycle in almost 30 years. That was not something I thought I would ever be saying. Just a few short years ago I was breathing heavy walking through the house and my body hurt too badly to think of ever being on a bicycle.

I also started adding in healthier foods. I started adding in a lot of fruits and vegetables and started drinking water. I kept healthy foods ready and in the fridge in baggies, so it was quick and easy for me to grab a baggie of cut up veggies or fruit instead of chips.

I am still learning more about myself each and every day and liking myself more every day. I knew from the beginning of this journey I was going to have to make this a new lifestyle that I could stick with forever if I truly wanted to lose the weight and keep it off and live a healthy and happy life inside and out. I wasn’t going to punish myself with deprivation or off limit foods. When you spend your whole life over weight and being beat up by yourself and by all of the “well-meaning” comments you get you already feel like crap and feel punished enough.

I don’t want you to think this was an easy or overnight process.  I had to work it and I still mess up at times. As I continued working on me and adding in all of these positive things I found I wasn’t wanting or needing to eat like before. I’ll still have a cookie or a few chips, but I don’t feel the need to eat the whole bag anymore because I actually like myself and want to take care of myself. I am down 120 pounds and I feel like I have my life back!

I have a purpose in life again and look forward to the future. I want to encourage anyone struggling with their weight not to give up and to know it is never too late to take that first step in the right direction. I’ll be celebrating my 48th birthday tomorrow and I am so excited for the future and the journey ahead of me!

Jaki Sinclair is founder of Slim Down U,  has lost 120 pounds and is committed to inspiring and empowering others to take that first step to creating healthy new habits that will last a lifetime.

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Photographic Example #1: Do Not Do This

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Lame Excuse Awareness Week

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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If You’re Feeling Like You’ll Never Reach Your Fitness Goals…

There was a time when I believed — despite all my fitness efforts — sure, I’d lose some weight, but my thighs would never be slim and my stomachs would never go down. I’d never be truly strong or look hot. I birthed 4 child-spawns, after all. A nice physique isn’t reserved for people like me.

But you know what?

I wrote my own fitness future and changed what I believed by barreling through those negative thoughts. Day in day and day out, with sweaty workout sessions OUTSIDE of my comfort zone, combined with smart food choices (sprinkled with just a little bit of greedy fun), my body has changed. And it’s still changing.

Don’t let your brain talk you out of what your heart really wants. You can DO THIS!! But it’s going to take hard work and serious commitment. It’s foolish to expect awesome results if you’re not putting in awesome effort.

Think about where you’re at today, where you want to be, and then work for it. There’s no other way around it. You bettah WORK!

…as for that “now” picture? I was forced to intimidate Greedy Kid #3 with my Ninja moves in retaliation for the Kung Fu he tried to inflict upon me. It’s all very logical.

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Wednesday Weigh In and My Nightly Cup of Hot Cocoa

I only have a minute tonight. Tomorrow is an early morning workout day but I couldn’t go to bed without sharing…

1. My Weigh in

weigh in

I was shocked to see the 150. Lowest since getting pregnant. Only 5 pounds to go to pre-pregnancy weight and I’m not even that concerned about getting there anymore. Apparently NOT dieting works for me now. There’s that A-Ha moment again!

2. My Hot Cocoa Obsession

Melissa asked about my cocoa in yesterday’s post and I must confess this is a new habit I’m obsessed with at the moment. I make a cup of regular Swiss Miss cocoa in the Keurig. It’s 70 calories, I think. I then add 1 tbsp of dark cocoa powder making it rich and indulgent.

Sometimes it’s the little things right? I’m off to make it now and then head to bed. It helps as I watch The Husband down his nightly bag of chips. *eye roll*

In other news…

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Body By Burpees (Home Workout #3)

Equipment Needed: Interval Timer or a steady eye on the clock

Primarily Targets: Full body strength, fat-melting cardio

Time Needed: Approximately 20 minutes or less.

BODY BY BURPEES (after a thorough warm up)

You ready to bust out some Burpees and invisible rope skipping? Yep, me too. So choose your workout level below and decide which style of Burpee you will do (watch the video demo). This workout is designed to challenge you and can get intense, so please take short rests (approximately 15-45 secs) as needed throughout the workout. And make sure you have water nearby!

Level 1

Round 1a ~ 3 minutes skipping intervals (50 secs skipping /10 secs low march in place)Round 1b ~ 5 BurpeesRound 2a ~ 3 minutes skipping intervals (50/10)Round 2b ~ 5 BurpeesRound 3a ~ 3 minutes skipping intervals (50/10)Round 3b ~ 5 Burpees

Level 2

Round 1a ~ 4 minutes skipping intervals (50 secs skipping /10 secs high knees march)Round 1b ~ 10 BurpeesRound 2a ~ 4 minutes skipping intervals (50/10)Round 2b ~ 10 BurpeesRound 3a ~ 4 minutes skipping intervals (50/10)Round 3b ~ 10 Burpees

Level 3

Round 1a ~ 5 minutes skipping intervals (50 secs skipping /10 seconds high knee jog)Round 1b ~ 20 BurpeesRound 2a ~ 5 minutes skipping intervals (50/10)Round 2b ~ 20 BurpeesRound 3a ~ 5 minutes skipping intervals (50/10)Round 3b ~ 20 Burpees

Happy burpee-ing, everybody!

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The One V.I.P. You Absolutely Need In Your Cheering Section

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Helloooo From Kansas City!

After the longest travel day ever — at least it feels like that after 10 hours — I finally made it to Kansas City!

Did I tell you I was traveling? I can’t remember. I think I only announced it on Facebook and Twitter. Anyway, Applebees is gathering a group of bloggers to tour their headquarters and preview new Weight Watcher menu items.

We’re also going to learn how they develop their menu ideas, talk about making good choices when eating out and participate in a recipe makeover roundtable. All right up my alley!

The other bloggers attending are…

I can’t wait to meet (and catch up) with everyone but I must admit I’m missing my boys. How can I not? Just look at this messy face in this video.

Ok, I better got get some sleep. I’ll be back tomorrow with a full recap of the trip. I’m flying home tomorrow night.

* thanks to for the image

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Sarcastic Types of Peoples Do Not Deserve This Treat

Behold the delectable chocolate covered peanuts that I bought for Health-hater Husband.

He loves these things, but doesn’t get them very often. Yet he’s been an obedient spouse, such as serving me coffee while I couch-azz, cracking my back in 35 different places (ahhh!), carrying laundry baskets, and lowering the decibels on his loud mouth so I can hear the TV.

So I brought him home the choco-peanuts. ‘Twasn’t that nice of me?

But then I think back to the conversation we recently had. Did this man’s sarcasm deserve choco-peanuts?

Him: How’s it feel to be married to someone as good looking as me?

Me: ((eyeroll)) Ummm… it’s an honor and a privilege.

Him: Yeah. That’s what I thought. And just for that you can ride in the front seat of the car tomorrow.

Well ya don’t say! Next time, instead of choco-peanuts, he’ll get those Chupacabra Biscuits and the crumbs at the bottom of a bag of Scooby Snacks.

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Wednesday Weigh In: Scale Readings + A Question of the Week

weigh in

This morning I was in a rush taking Little Bean to his first ever Swim Class. For as much as he loves the bath he seems to loathe the pool. I’m hoping this helps.

Anyway, I totally forgot to hop on the scale first thing so this week’s weigh in happened much later in the day. Because of this, I expected a gain. (I was up 1.8lbs.) I get heavier during the day. Well… I don’t REALLY get heavier per se, the scale just gives me a higher “reading.”

And that’s what it is right? A reading. It’s not measuring my value or telling me how I should feel or punishing me for a “bad” week. Nope. I refuse to give it that power. It’s a tool and it gives me a reading. That’s it’s. That’s all.

I know some of you don’t use a scale at all and I totally get that. I think it really depends on what stage your in. I’ve flipped flopped myself but right now I’m weighing in weekly more for curiosity than anything. I’m also finding the scale images I post here on the blog are helping me become callous to the number.

And that brings me to this Week’s Question. It’s similar to one I’ve asked before but I want to do a little experiment, if you are willing. Bear with me, it’s a multi-parter. I think it will be really interesting to see everyone’s responses.

Do you weigh in?If so, what frequency?The experiment: hop on the scale in the morning and then again before bed. What are the readings? How do they make you feel?

I am curious as to your scale habits but I’m really hoping a few of you will do the experiment and share the results to show us how fickle the scale can be. Keep in mind it’s nearly impossible to gain a pound in 12 hours. You’d have to consume more than 3,200 calories and basically spend the day in the bed. Even then you’d probably still not gain a full pound of fat.

Anyone willing to participate?

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New York, Day 2: FFG and the Australian Guys

I was in the lobby at 10:15, as planned, texting a friend because my hands were shaking and they needed something to do. A tall, thin man with round glasses walked past the desk and I looked up. He smiled politely, and walked through the restaurant doorway. I returned to my phone.

A moment later: “Excuse me, are you Lynn?” said the tall, thin man in a smooth Australian accent. Gulp. Yes. Yes I am. “Your hair is much lighter than it was when I saw you online.” Yes. Yes it is. “Shall we get coffee and talk for a moment?” Yes. Yes we can. Tall, thin, spectacled man was “60 Minutes Australia” producer Howard Sacre.

I ordered a decaf and Howard a double espresso. I was in the the throes of nerves and cotton mouth, which happens every time I’m the interviewed rather than the interviewer. Even though experience has taught me that the nerves will climb in the back seat once I’m comfortable with the crew and surroundings, convincing myself beforehand is like assuring a child that you’ll catch them if they jump in the pool. “Just jump!” you say, opening your arms. Still, he walks back and forth with his floaties on and thinks, ‘I’m not so sure about this.’

After 20 minutes, the cotton mouth was gone and my nerves were at bay. Howard and I parted ways – he to his room to gather some things and I to the room in which we were taping. The cameraman’s room.

I took the lift (I was staying at The London. There are no “elevators.”) to the 14th floor. The door was ajar, held open by the latch. I knocked a few times and a man in jeans and a blue sweater opened the door.

“Hello,” I said, smiling and holding out my hand. “I’m Lynn.”

“Come in!” he said (read this in an Australian accent). “I’m Richard.”

The room was mine in reverse, and filled with equipment cases. A housekeeper was making the bed as a man in jeans and a green shirt set up microphones in the corner. Another man, tall and wearing a dress shirt, was sitting on the couch, reading something on an iPad.

“Hi, I’m David,” said the man in the green. I said hello and shook his hand and walked over to the couch. The dress-shirt man looked up and smiled.

“Hello, I’m Liam Bartlett,” he smiled and shook my hand ( this in Australian). His eyes were warm and reassuring, which was a good thing, because I knew I had to focus on them, not the camera, for the next 30 minutes.

Liam and I chatted for a few minutes. Howard walked in the room. The housekeeper left. Liam and I moved to chairs in front of the coffee table so Richard and David could set up the lights and sound. I stayed focused on Liam and did a lot of deep breathing.

“I  wonder what the housekeeper was thinking when she saw you walk into this room of men setting up cameras and microphones,” laughed Richard. Great ice breaker, although I blushed and I am the world's worst blusher. Red cheeks, red nose. I look a fright.

David moved to the corner and put on a headset. He needed to measure sound levels, so he asked me to say something.

“I ordered two eggs over hard and whole wheat toast, dry, from room service this morning. I slathered the toast in blueberry jam and ate both pieces, but I only ate one of the eggs,” I said. Where did THAT come from?

“Over hard? What’s that?” asked one of the guys.

“You know…cooked so the yolks aren’t runny. I’m taking a food safety class and I’m scared to death of salmonella.” Again, where did THAT come from? Good lord, I should have been less concerned about diarrhea from salmonella and more concerned about diarrhea of the mouth.

But when you have a guy adjusting a big, fuzzy microphone in front of you, and another setting up two light panels between the camera that’s going to record every blessed time you twitch, blink, lick your lips or…god forbid…pick you nose, because some other guy is talking to you about how obese you used to be and how you’re trying not to be obese again...well...stupid stuff comes out of your mouth.

But…you gotta ignore the camera and the lights and the microphone and focus on the eyes of the interviewer and the message you want to present. Focus. Answer his questions. Stay on message.

And I did. At least I think I did.

And, like a pap smear, before I knew it, it was over. That part, at least. Howard wanted to move the party to Central Park. But before we did, Richard taped me fake blogging on the bed because I told them I do a lot of writing in bed. (Back me up, bloggers. Surely some of you bring your laptops to bed, right?)

It was a beautiful, sunny 50-degree day. Central Park was alive with people and pigeons and ice skaters at the rink, which blasted all kinds of music: One Republic, Lenny Kravitz, The Who, Lady Gaga, Florence and the Machine. The guys taped me walking and stretching and doing push-ups off a bench. When we were done, Howard and I walked back to the hotel, while Richard and David hailed a cab.
Richard Malone, Howard Sacre, and Daivd BallmentAs we walked to the hotel, my inner journalist came out and I asked Howard all kinds of questions. This is what I love about these kinds of experiences. It's what I love about blogging, too. I get the great fortune of learning so much about people. Howard is such an interesting man. Kind. Very unassuming. He told me the crew was heading to Siberia next to do a story on the coldest inhabited town on earth. It reminded me of Mad Dog and Chris from CNN. What a fascinating duo they were, too. (Click here to read “CNN Comes the Suburbs ofPittsburgh.”)

Back at the hotel, Howard excused himself because he had an idea he wanted to check out. I hung out with Richard and David and played journalist with them, too. It was worth every moment of nerves to meet and talk to them.

Howard returned and said he wanted to tape me eating a salad. Oh…ok.

“I’ll want to change my clothes,” I said, somewhat skeptically. Remember, I eat salad like a cow chewing cud.

“What…you can’t eat in that?” he said, pointing to my workout clothes.

“Um…no,” I said, giving him that Spock eyebrow raise. “I’d like to at least appear civilized.”

I changed clothes. Howard and I walked around the corner to scope out Fluffy’s. Yes, Fluffy’s, which I give two big thumbs up to because they made me an awesome salad. And…they gave me a 10 percent off card for anytime I go back. In Manhattan, that can mean several dollars!
Howard went back to the hotel and collected Richard and David as I figured out how to ask the man who was on his phone in the front corner window to move. Howard wanted to tape me from the outside.  

I chose the super sweet “pass a note” approach. I dug out a receipt from my purse and on the back wrote, “I’m so sorry to interrupt you, but may I ask you a question?” The man in the corner was talking to someone about quarterbacks, specifically Eli Manning (the Giants had just won the Super Bowl two days before). I handed him my note.

“Wait…wait…hold on,” he said into his phone. He looked at me and smiled. “Hey, let me call you back” and he shut his phone.

“Hi,” I smiled. “I’m really sorry you had to end your conversation, but I’m working with a crew from Australia and they need to film me eating a salad here in this corner. Where you’re sitting. Would you consider moving for a few minutes?”

He laughed (how do New Yorkers laugh in an accent?). I’m pretty sure he was thinking I was going to ask him something else…*grin*. “No problem!” he said, and moved to the other side of the counter. Hopefully he’ll be in the footage. He was a great guy.

A few minutes later, Richard, David and Howard arrived outside and started setting up. A few tourists walking past looked into the restaurant, trying to figure out if they recognized who was being taped. I say “tourists” because if they were native New Yorkers, they’d have not given two sh*ts. I love the anonymity of NYC.

David walked in the restaurant, armed with a mic. FYI, getting set up for a mic is one of the most intimate non-sexual things you ever do with another person. The cord needs to run up through your shirt. There’s no way around it. And the receiver is attached to your pants or some place in back. You pray the sound guy has warm hands.

David was really good at it, and, being a gentleman, he asked me to tape the mic on the part of my bra between my breasts. He did, however, have to attach the receiver to my jeans, just above my right hip, and I know he had to have seen a few of my faded stretch marks. Yes…I have them, and they’re a source of angst AND inspiration. Inspiration because they remind me how far I’ve come. In this case, however, they caused angst. I shook it off and sat down.

Richard taped me eating a few bites of salad before setting up the camera in another location. David was standing next to him with his headset on.

“Can you hear me?” I said softly. He smiled and nodded.

“I’ve never talked to my breasts before,” I said. I wasn’t wearing an ear piece, but I saw him throw his head back and laugh. “I’ve had them talked to before,” I continuted, “but I’ve not had the pleasure.”

So sue me, I was a little flirtatious! Have you spent any time with Australians? They’re a LOT of fun!

We wrapped it up and went back to the hotel. I had to catch a cab and they had to buy Sorel boots and Gore-Tex for their trip to Siberia. I wanted a photo with all of us and we needed Liam. He was on his way back from shopping, so I took advantage of the time and quizzed my new friends some more.

Our conversations were some of the best fun I’ve ever had. No matter how this interview turns out (It will air in a month or two…I’ll be sure to post the link), I am so very glad to have met such a fabulous group of guys. Not only did they make me feel comfortable, they trusted I knew what I was talking about. Maintenance is not for sissies. Neither is going to Siberia in winter. As you read this, please send out some good thoughts to four wonderful Aussies.
David Ballment, Richard Malone, me, Howard Sacre, and Liam Bartlett

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It’s about *real food.* Finally…

(click on the box of SNACKWELLS in my lap to read more)

Disclosure: I’m an Attune Foods Ambassador and am compensated for my efforts on their behalf.

Mo’ disclosure: I consumed Attune Foods’ REAL FOODS as some of my “starting down the healthy living path.”  Long, long before being compensated for my efforts.

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Top 3 Cooking Tips From 12 Seasons At The Ranch

In my 12 seasons as nutritionist on The Biggest Loser, interviewing and coaching each and every contestant, I learned a great deal about the most common mistakes people make around the kitchen that can lead to weight gain. I also spent a great deal of time working with the contestants and developed simple and easy-to-follow guidelines.

When the Food Network's Healthy Eats blog asked me about some of my top cooking tips for weight loss, recently these are the three I thought of immediately:

Put Flavor First! Steamed broccoli and grilled chicken may help you drop pounds but it’s not a sustainable eating plan -- too boring! You have to put FLAVOR FIRST. Having the right condiments, dressings and sauces on hand can turn a ho-hum meal into an extraordinary culinary experience. My favorite store bought items to keep on hand include, salsa, capers, no-sugar fruit spreads, guacamole, horseradish, mustards galore, low-sodium soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and I’m the Queen of homemade dressings, sauces, dips and “mayos.”Make extras or big batches: Whenever you cook, freeze half in individual containers. When hunger strikes you’ll always have a cup of soup, a pasta dish or a scrumptious leftover to reheat in minutes or take with you. No excuses for visiting the drive thru!Always have a bowl of fresh fruit in sight: Keep containers in the fridge of freshly cut veggies to graze on or to quickly heat or sauté. Most of us eat mindlessly much more often than we realize. If you’re going to graze anyway, feel good about it!

Read the full interview on The Food Network's Healthy Eats Blog. And learn more about putting Flavor First at

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Strawberry Banana-Graham Frozen Treat with Chocolate Morsels

I freaking LOVE this!!! I’m on a roll with the creation of delectable recipes for you to chomp on. So sharpen the claws of your teeth and get ready to delight in the Strawberry Banana-Graham Frozen Treat with Chocolate Morsels.

It’s a non-threat to your waistline. Unless, of course, you’re super greedy and eat 35 mega-servings or some other ridiculous amount.

Ingredients (makes up to 4 servings)

1 ripe banana, sliced into pieces (the riper your fruit, the sweeter your final creation will be)5-6 strawberries, sliced1-4 graham cracker sheets (for 1-4 people served)1 packet Stevia (optional)Chocolate chip morsels (optional, but fun)

1. Place fresh, sliced bananas and strawberries onto plastic wrap atop a plate.

2. Then place second layer of plastic wrap to cover completely.

3. Place plate in freezer to freeze fruit until frozen (duh). Several hours or overnight if desired.

4. Add frozen fruit slices to blender with 1/2 packet of Stevia (optional) and blenderize on “crush ice” setting. The mixture will look granulated.

5. Scoop entire mixture into bowl, then transfer your desired portion onto one-half of a graham cracker.

6. Then top with other graham-half to create a sammich.

7. Press chocolate morsels onto all 4 sides of your treat and enjoy immediately.

8. Or! Scoop the mixture into a cup, sprinkle morsels and use graham crackers as edible spoons.

Just like real ice cream, your frozen treat will begin to “melt” if not eaten right away, so please active your chomping jaws in a timely fashion for the most satisfying results.

This thing is sooo versatile. Make it for anytime snacking, kids’ treats, party treats, etc, etc. It goes on and on. It’s truly one helluva tasty flavor combination. ENJOY!

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The, uh, awkward second part of the boudoir story.

Because really.

It would not be *my* life if there werent some embarrassing, cringe-worthy side story to the whole thing.

Reason #39843948 why the play on words up in herre is MISFIT and not Miss.FIT.

Oh and also? Before I share? I need to let you know I realize there’s no way this will be as funny or horror-inducing to you as it was for me.

I acknowledge that & Im blogging onward.  It’s all about the acknowledging.

Last I left you I was a happy, self-confidence re-found misfit.

I met up with my photographer, went through the pictures with her (so fun) and immediately scampered home and uploaded them on to my laptop.

My old crappy laptop which tends to get a virus every third day no matter what ‘protection’ I use.

A few days later, not to my surprise, said laptop froze and I hauled it to its home away from home: the Computer Geeks.

They know me there. I like to think they like me there.

We chatted as The Geek jotted down my information.  And, as we frequently do, we joked about all the CRAZY excuses he hears (I wasnt surfing porn! I dont know what happened! Someone must have used my computer!) and all the hilarious, uh, stuffs he must find when repairing.

He was very circumspect, but he acknowledged they’ve found some pretty racy home videos saved to peoples hard drives.

I laughed. 

I may have made judgemental comments along the lines of:

Seriously? Why do people not take that OFF before they bring you the computer??

(I really cant recall. Ive repressed the whole thing)

I walked out of the store and only *then* did it hit me Id left him my laptop to repair CHOCK FULL OF REN MAN’S BOUDOIR “PRESENT.”

(see? here’s where I cant help but think this woman would have better set the scene and have you CRINGING along with her.  I flushed so hot I broke out in a sweat.)

Late that night he called and left me a cryptic message (Yes, Carla Ma’am?  I need you to call me.)

The next morning I went to the store (I knew he worked evenings) and could have sworn The Geek snickered as he told me Id have to come back and talk to my Geek (yes. that was the point. I am trying to avoid my Geek.  Cant YOU help me?).

Cringing, awkward phone calls later my laptop (and its self-esteem refinding pics) was fixed and ready for pick up.

I dragged the Tornado along with me in hopes had they planned to say anything that would…foil their plan.

The Tornado & I dashed into the store** and my laptop was bestowed upon me.

I KNOW I saw a glimmer of a smirk on the face of my Geek and the others in the store as he respectfully informed me I was all set and to bring it back if it gave me ANY trouble.

So now you know the whole story.

I did the pics for me. 

I did the shoot for Ren Man. 

And, apparently, I did the boudoir shoot to bring levity to the day of the Computer Geeks down the road.

Im thoughtful that way.

**out of ideas at this point I attempted to pretend I was my own twin.  I dressed super fancy (for me. by comparison.)  & hoped my Geek would be thrown off by this.  he was not.

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My Birthday Cake FAIL

my cake

Several things went wrong. One of which, you may have already noticed.

1. Husband got caught up at work (not his fault), so I had to pick up my own cake. Boooo!

2. I get there and my name is spelled all kinds of wrong.

3. The bakery was about to close, so while I could still pick up the cake, there were no actual bakers on duty to fix my name.

The cake made me laugh, so it’s all good. hehehe.

4. I woke up sick on my birthday (and still am), so I pulled out all the Homeopathic stops to combat this miserable germ infestation I’m dealing with. I slept most of my birthday because I felt like crap.

But in happier news! I got awesome presents: Two pairs of Uggs and a Nook e-Reader. YAY! I’ve never had real Uggs before, only Fuggs (Fake-ass Uggs), but now I scored two REAL pairs in one day!

But seriously, the best part about my birthday were the cards I received in the mail (thanks, guys!) and the time I spent with my Greedy Family. That stuff is priceless.

I hope your weekend is in awesome mode!


Josie (not Josetpe)

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How I rediscovered my self-esteem.

One upon a time, in a land far far away, I did a professional photo-shoot.**

Thanks to *you* I was voted People’s Choice in the Fila Real Women model search.

Dont get me wrong. I was and *am* super grateful.

You had no way of knowing dancing wasnt my strong suit and I had no way of knowing there would be DANCING INVOLVED.

This lovely misfit dances like the awkward gazelle she is and it’s all reminiscent of Elaine Benis.

It was humorous (especially later when I wrote the posts), but Id be lying if I didnt share it made me feel kind of bad about myself.

They are myriad more articulate & flowery ways to make the statement above—but those 9 slang’y ones capture how I felt.

The experience & the *people* were amazing.  Yet I went there thinking I ROCKED (self-esteem much? I know, but Ive worked 42.5 years to get here) and returned feeling a little less-than.

When they decided not to use any of my pictures, it stung.  I wasnt surprised (please to see awkward gazelle & cross-reference under the Benis)— but it stung. It all conspired to cause me to feel old.

I became a misfit on a mission.

I still had misplaced confidence knew I was a strong writer. 

I never lost my faith in the fact I *rock* on video. 

But the pictures.  The (fingerquote) modeling (unFQ).  I couldnt even watch episodes of A.N.T.M. without having horrible flashbacks.

It bummed me out and my life philosophy is if something bothers me enough to think about it twice—it’s time to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

So I did.

Please to enjoy Three reasons a boudoir photo-shoot resurrected my self-esteem.

It was all about ME!  There were no younger, sexier ‘others’ to compare myself to.  I was the best!model!there! because I was the only one there.  And you know what? It’s not a bad thing to set yourself up for success this way!   I also adored my photographer.  For the 2 hours we were together her sole mission was making me feel comfortable so I could be my best, most relaxed, non-dancing self.  We women rarely do anything us-focused and it felt amazing.   (you can invite friends over to help suggest outfits etc if you’d like, but Id definitely recommend being the only one photographed.  It felt deliciously decadent.)

I felt the fear and I did it anyway.  Absolutely nothing in life feels better than being terrified a little nervous about something (anything!) and still following through.   Let’s just say I felt for my poor photographer.  I must have messaged her a million times saying how the shoot was outside of my comfort zone etc. etc.  I knew she was the one for me when she always responded with patience and *humor.*

It was 100% about the process.  I simply can not capture the restorative nature of the boudoir shoot in words.  It was affirming, fun and silly.  We took some serious shots. We snapped some of me wobbling on Ren Man’s BOSU.    Did he like his present?  Yes?  Im sure he did and yet it wasnt about that at all. The photo-shoot was a gift to *me.*  It was 100% about enjoying the process and gifting myself the time.  It was a reminder how grateful I am for my wrinkling, fighting gravity ‘vessel.’    Sure the end goal of giving him the pictures was nice.  As with fitness, however, the shoot wasn’t done with an eye to the end-goal.  I focused on enjoying every step of the process.  Every “success”(like not canceling) along the way.  

And you?

Have you experienced a crisis-of confidence/self-esteem as I did?

How did you resurrect yours? And, if you havent yet, what’s your new plan?

Have you, as I did previously, mocked the boudoir shoots as self-indulgent & silly and later realized it’s because you own only granny panties & sports bras?

**I know I linked eighty kabillion old posts today.  Mainly because this one makes no sense without some kind of backstory or frame of reference. My FREAKY HAIRED FRIEND taught me that.

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Recap of My Applebee’s Kansas City Trip

Before I get into my day at the Applebees Headquarters I have to tell you about last night. I was simply too tired to do it yesterday.

On the way from the airport to the hotel I asked the shuttle driver if he had any food recommendations. I purposefully tried to keep my travel food light during the day so I could enjoy some of this Kansas City BBQ everyone was talking about.

Right when I asked him we were passing Jack Stacks which was a mere half mile from the hotel. He said it was THE place to be as did the hotel concierge when I was checking in.

Jack Stacks

It was already 9PM but I decided… what the heck? I haven’t eaten dinner yet and besides, when will I get a chance to have BBQ in Kansas city again?

I ordered the Sampler. It came with a little bit of everything.


Barbecue Chicken, Pork Spare Ribs, Beef Burnt Ends and Polish Sausage. How could I pick? I mean, really!

The sides were Hickory Pit Beans and Cheesy Corn. I could do without the corn but those beans? HOLY SCHMOLY! I may have to add them to my "Last Meal" order alongside a slice of NY style pizza.

Has anyone else ever eaten there?


This morning the shuttle picked us up at 7:15 AM and we headed to the Applebee’s office building.

The had a typical office style spread for breakfast.

Considering my ENORMOUS 9PM meat-fest for dinner I stuck with just fruit…

Our day was packed!

The tour was actually fun. Their office building was simply gorgeous and designed so nicely.

In a weird way it made me miss the office work environment.

Did you know Applebee’s is owned by DineEquity and that DineEquity has a female CEO? I didn’t!

After the tour 2 Applebee’s test chefs gave us insight into the recipe development process.

I was fascinated! They do so much research and tests and focus groups!

All this talk of food was making me hunger. Especially after my light breakfast. Thankfully it was time to taste test.

We got to sample 4 of their new U550 items. These are dishes all under 550 calories.

First up, Sizzling Chili Lime Chicken

It was good! There was a light chili sauce that added a bit of spice and the portion size was quite large with a ton of fresh veggies.

I love hanging out with fellow bloggers.

I feel just slightly more normal. That’s Kristen of Dine and Dish taking her photo.

Next up, Signature Sirloin & Garlic Herb Shrimp

This one was my favorite and I have to tell you I NEVER order steak out. It’s just not even something I consider but this dish was unbelievable. The steak was tender and juicy. It was topped with just a little cream sauce, diced tomatoes, and slivered almonds. On the side was herbed potatoes (something else I don’t normally order out) and fresh veggies. Oh and the shrimp! I forgot the shrimp. Seriously, this is "the" meal.

See… again.. I’m not weird…

Next up, Sizzling Asian Shrimp & Broccoli.

I should probably let you know that I didn’t eat ALL of these plates by myself. We were sharing. :)

Anyway, this dish was also good! A little heavy on the sauce for my taste but the flavor was wicked. It had some kick!

Finally, Roasted Garlic Sirloin.

Even though I did like the steak, the star of this dish was the stuffed Portobello. I told them they should offer a vegetarian plate with 2 of those bad boys and a couple of sides. Someone else suggested making it an appetizer. This thing rocked! It sort of reminded me of my own stuffed mushroom idea but with a little cream sauce.

As a special treat we got a taste of their SkinnyBee Margarita.

That’s a 100 calorie Margarita. You heard me… 100 calories! And it was GOOD! Totally suggesting Applebee’s for my next girls night out. :)

After the food fest we chatted a bit and then headed into the test kitchen. There were no cameras allowed although I’m not sure why. It seemed like a typical kitchen to me. We watched them prepare 3 of the new Weight Watcher menu items all of which were delicious too!

Our day ended with a little more chatting and then a surprise slice of birthday cake for Amanda of Mommy of Two Monkeys.

She mentioned earlier that it was her birthday and the Applebee’s staff remembered.

I thought it was sweet.

Overall the trip was fun but I’m exhausted! Right now I’m on a flight from Detroit to Baltimore and dreaming of my bed. I’m looking forward to breakfast with the boys tomorrow. :)

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Adele ROCKS! And I Don’t Mean Her Music.

I can’t believe I’m about to say this.

Don’t stone me, OK?

I’m not the biggest fan of Adele’s music.


I know. I know. She won like 5 Grammy’s. I didn’t say she wasn’t good. Actually, I think she has an amazing voice, but I have to be in the right mood to listen to her music. What can I say? I’m a child of the 80s and 90s. I like cheesy 1-hit-wonders, alt rock, classic rock, punk and goofy songs I can dance to with my kids around the kitchen–Hello B-52s and The Isley Brothers!

That being said, I’m a HUGE Adele fan when it comes to body image and just being a plain old awesome woman! Recently she was interviewed by Anderson…

Let me repeat what she said there at the end…

The key is to–first of all–be happy with yourself and then you know, if you want to improve things you don’t like about yourself then do them after you–kind of–appreciate yourself.

Yes. Yes. YES!

She hit the nail square on the head.

I love Adele not for her music (although watching her perform does bring a tear to my eye.) I love her because she’s a confident woman who knows who she is and makes no apologies.

Now that’s inspirational.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

It’s Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

The day started slow and low key. Little Guy stayed the night at a friend’s house so laundry sorting was quite boring.

No laundry bombs. :(

But SOMEONE soon woke up to keep me company. :)

We headed downstairs for some breakfast and I made a little bowl of heaven…

Click here for recipe.

After breakfast we cleaned up…


and sorted Bean’s hand me downs….

He’s getting so big I had to pluck out all the too small stuff and add in some bigger items from the hand me down box in the closet.

Nap time for Bean meant blogging time for Mom. I posted real quick on Poop Butterflies. Tomorrow marks a special week and I wanted to spread the word. Click here for the details.

Around noon I left to pick up Little Guy and we stopped on the way to home to take mug shots…

err, I mean Passport photos. I want to start to take the family more places besides "the shore" and it seems a passport is a must, but what a pain in the patootie!

When we got home I made lunch for the boys…

They are BOTH eating grilled cheese. Can you believe it?

I had a new tuna burger I made. I’ll share the recipe on GreenLiteBites this week!

After lunch a short run with a friend…

chart from nike+

I have some fun race/event news but I’m holding off a bit until I see the doctor on Wednesday. I’m feeling MUCH better but I want to get her opinion before I commit fully.

When I got back we had a a little snack.

For those that have been with me awhile here online you know how much that photo makes me smile. Click here for a blast from our mango past.

I also made his lunch for tomorrow while I had the chance. I knew we were going to have a busy night.

Click here to see our lunch ideas page on GreenLiteBites.

We had a little fun doing a scavenger hunt in our giant family fun pad.

I’d share a link as this was one of our favorite Christmas gifts this year but I can’t find it online anywhere! I think my friend got it at Sam’s Club. It’s a HUGE picture find book. Little Guy loves it!

Then we headed out for a night soccer game but first, dinner…

We stopped at Panera. I got the black bean soup and the salmon salad with a side of whole grain baguette. I have a panera rule that works for me. I always get a "You Pick 2" If I get a sandwich with the soup (cause I ALWAYS get soup–love it!) I get an apple on the side. If I go with a salad then I get bread on the side. I mean how can you go to panera and not get bread somehow?!
Oh! and I ALWAYS get dressing on the side.

I always feel good after a Panera meal, satisfied and not weighed down.

Anyway, then it was off to the game…

They got slaughtered again but Little Guy did so good! He’s started to understand the game a bit.

On the way home we stopped for ice cream at McDs. I’m seriously obsessed with their cones lately.

When we got home I got a finger in motion when I mentioned the laundry wasn’t done.


He’s been making me laugh so hard and we’ve both been getting our digs in. Don’t tell him I told you this, but I smile just thinking about him anymore. I think Valentine’s day this week is making me more mushy then I already am. :)

Before bed we got a little more play time in…

I’m ending with this photo. One of two that inspired this post on Baby’s First year.

I can’t be live how fast this past year has flown by.

ok, must go to bed. I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

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